Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Earth laughs in flowers.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The earth is certainly laughing these days in Dalhousie. Lupines remind me of our trips to Lake Pleasant, to visit relatives, when I was a child. My mother always commented on the beautiful lupines growing along side the road. At that time there were none in Dalhousie. Today, we have our own.



  1. That's funny, I was admiring some Lupines earlier when Charlotte and I were out walking. Someone had them planted in their yard, a neat little patch of about 3 flowers. It seemed strange. I'm used to seeing Lupines growing wild by the side of the road!

  2. It's actually against the law in Kings County (or always used to be) to plant lupines, and for that very reason I suspect. They spread everywhere, but I think they are still lovely.

  3. Lupines are one of my favourites, but they don't do well in my gardens. I actually bought three sturdy plants from the nursery some years ago, but instead of multiplying they mostly died out. Only one seedling dropped elsewhere in the yard continues to come back. It's still hanging on, but hasn't bloomed yet this spring. Have you seen Joylene's photos today? Lupins!

  4. No, I haven't seen Joylene's photos. I'll have to take a peek. I didn't think it was possible for lupines to die out.. Oh dear. I guess we are blessed here in our area.
