Thursday, September 29, 2011

Deer, Oh Deer

A wounded deer leaps the highest. ~~Emily Dickinson 

Last week, a deer came to eat apples under the neighbours wild apple tree just across from our house. It continued to eat for quite a time while I snapped some photos.

With curiousity, it stretched it's neck out to get a good look at me. I supposed it wondered what I was doing.

This is another reason why  like living way out here in Dalhousie.


  1. Love the progression of expressions, Laura. :) That last one is especially good. I'll bet she bolted away shortly afterwards... unless you backed off.

  2. I'm so glad I was there to see this! Great pics!

  3. @Carol--I tried walking closer to her as I snapped pictures but she finally decided she had enough.

    @Mel---There were two under the tree last week. I guess those apples are good.

    @Patti--We see quite a few deer in this area, but the truth is, we see many more just outside town near the Walmart. I wonder what that means?
