Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A River Runs Through It

Eventually all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.

…Norman Maclean

The movement of water is mesmerizing. It is filled with life, with sounds, rhythm. These pictures were taken at Black Duck Lake Brook .

   …And for those who have not heard the sound of a brook in the springtime...



  1. If it weren't for Twitter I would never have discovered this "other side" of you, Laura! Beautiful blog and photos! I loved the brief time I spent in the Maritimes some years ago, so will enjoy return visits via your posts here. :)

  2. Carol, what a pleasant surprise! Other than a tab on my other blog, I haven't mentioned it over there.I sometimes forget that our lives are quite transparent once we're on the internet. lol! I just started this blog a week ago and I'm not quite sure where it's heading. But it's fun to post pictures, and my daughter likes looking at the pictures from home. :)

  3. Sounds like Spring to me! :)

  4. Yes, it certainly does sound like spring.
