Saturday, February 25, 2012

Canada was built on dead beavers. ~~Margaret Atwood

A beaver's lodge on Whetstone Lake


  1. Neat photos, Laura! We have a beaver house out in the center of the marsh at the back of our property. If I sat quietly for several minutes on an early summer evening I would often see the beavers. But ever since one summer about five years ago, when much of the marsh dried up right down to the mud, they haven't been around. Can't say as I blame them, although I think it was the beavers who caused it by diverting one of the streams. The marsh has since returned to normal, but the beavers have obviously found a new home.

    For two summers a Canada goose nested right on the top of the beaver house. It was so comical! I wish I'd had a good camera then, so I could have taken a decent photo, but all I could do was watch her through binoculars. I guess she figured it was a very safe place to hatch her young 'uns. :)
