Monday, July 11, 2011

Open Garden

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.”
 H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Over the Canada Day weekend writer, columnist, gardener, friend, Jodi Delong opened her garden up to the public. We jumped at the chance to go.

 Couldn't have asked for better weather. The day was simply glorious.

There were plenty of Hostas in Jodi's garden. They are my new favourite. We just planted some this year in front of our house.

Nothing completes a garden more than a birdhouse or two. 

I took so many wonderful photos I couldn't possible post them all.

The open garden event lasted for three days.  Thanks Jodi for allowing us to wander through your lovely garden.


  1. There's such inspiration found by wandering through a beautiful garden. I haven't been on a garden tour for ages, but I remember the exhilaration gleaned from gorgeous plants and esthetically pleasing garden design. I came home with renewed enthusiasm, not just for my own inadequate gardening attempts, but for other creative things that included my painting and writing.

  2. This was our first garden tour, Carol. You're right, you come home with enthusiasm, ready to jump in and start digging and planting. We have plenty of land for gardens but putting plants in the ground and having it look nice is not an easy thing at all. I am in awe of those who have an eye for these things.
