Saturday, March 26, 2011

Welcome to the Sugar Shack

"The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life and activity; it affords protection to all beings.   ---Buddhist Sutra 
There is a sugar shack a few miles out of Dalhousie. Today, on our way into town we stopped to buy some maple sugar and take a few photos. 
A Sugar shack in Maplewood, N.S.

Maple sap is boiled down in an evaporator

The evaporator burns between 25-30 cords of wood a season
 Maple sugar in the mold.


  1. Wow, they burn a lot of wood!

    Oh, and feel free to bring a taste of that maple sugar up this way please! (I've never had maple sugar before, I don't believe...)

  2. Yes it does burn a lot of work. This isn't a large operation at all so I can't imagine how much a bigger maple sugar producer would burn..

    We could be persuaded to bring some maple candy with us..

  3. I have always wanted to visit a real sugar shack and taste the maple sugar first hand. It is on my list of things to do. Thanks for the great pictures and I love the new blogsite. I have trouble keeping up with one. You are amazing!

  4. We will probably go a few times this year as it is so handy.The man who owns the shack is very nice and we like supporting his business. He looks for us every year, I think.

    Oh I'm not that amazing. This blog is more about uploading photos and I like doing that.Thanks for following me over!

  5. Yum. Yum yum. Had to go eat a spoonful of maple butter when I saw this post. Maple is one of the food groups in my book!

  6. Jodi,the best part is it's actually a sugar that's good for us! Love it!

  7. Wow, you'll have to check out the other Sugar Sack in the other direction not too far from you.

  8. Yes, I haven't been there before,but I hear it's quite something. Thanks for dropping in and for leaving a comment..Always nice to have a fellow ex-Dalhousian drop in. Maybe that should be Dalhousite.. LOL
