Sunday, October 23, 2011

Water Water Everywhere

Listen to the water, listen to the water, rolling down the river. Listen to the water, listen to the water, rolling down the river. 
Okay, so now that song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day. These pictures are not of a river, but some flooding we experienced after last week's big rainstorm. If you don't think water has much pressure behind it, think again. The culvert is now bent upward. An odd looking sight.


  1. Like fire, water can be a friend or a foe, depending on whether it gets out of control. That's a lot of water!

  2. @Carol--The water quickly went down.Three days after the rain this is a big improvement in the areas that were flooded. Hopefully, that culvert will soon be fixed.

  3. Wow, a lot of water. Yes, water has the potential to be a destructive and deadly force. It gives life but also has the power to take it away. That is one big out of sort pipe!

  4. The forces of nature should never be taken for granted.
